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MWH last won the day on April 13 2020

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About MWH

  • Birthday 26/03/1872

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  1. Hiya !!, I play guitar too, one of them biggish four string thi... Damn !, back to BC, (wanders off, more of a shuffle these days ...)
  2. MWH

    My ad

    Hello you, well done ! over on Basschat you have to pay a fee to advertise, but that let's you sell for a year as I remember, anyway, good luck with your sale.
  3. Hi, and as above, put the money into learning, I still go for lessons, you will learn so much at those lessons, even that you don't like the tea bags they use !, I have bought and sold, ( lost money ) on guitars along the way, the most valuable thing I have learnt is that my preferred musical taste is weirdly the easiest stuff for me to play, so the tutor tries to "stretch" me, but, surely in the end, you could keep that acoustic and purchase an instrument that is best for your preferred genre, horses for courses, we want pics of your next purchase, best of luck !!
  4. Paul Rose guitar live streams from his home, most of the time it's anything related to ww2/russians .
  5. I don't play guitar well, I'm here from BC, but along the way I ended up with a ma-hoosive 100watt rig, had the head amp output reduced to 40 and still deafening, so, with a lot of digging around on t'interweb I came across this secondhand Morgan, (thought they only made cars !), interestingly the wattage is adjustable as well as volume, I'm running it through a 2x10 bass cab as I got rid of the big rig complete. Well pleased.
  6. Well good luck with that fella, way beyond me once it gets going ....
  7. Simply better ...
  8. Love the receding memory bit, I have that along with the hair-line, been trying to learn the first couple of minutes of a John Mayall number, both bass and guitar, put 'em in a looper pedal, but then I go painting walls, working in the garden and ... NO, it's gone !!, my head is like a new tune in, two tunes out, if I ever retire, life will become odd quite soon I fear.
  9. I have absolutely no idea, can't Gnasher help ?
  10. Ah , maybe I left the " her ashes are scattered on the small beach at North Landing, Flamborough " out of my post, but thanks for the sentiment. No need for an apology by the way.
  11. MWH


    Hi Backman, short of trawling the Internet, no. That's an old Yamaha, could you find another and rob it for parts ?
  12. Paul Rose, Gary Moore, Joe Bonamassa. I am so blinkered in my musical tastes ......
  13. Wow !, that's great, well done guys !, I know I'll never get to that level, I started learning bass and guitar too late in life so I have no problems with my level of 'expertise '. My missus was a good choir sing-ist, but sadly let it go. Today I my first day of being furloughed off work so if I can kick my own butt enough I can practice more through the day instead of endless tasks to catch up on. Keep up the good work !!
  14. I'm trying to learn 'The Mists of time' by John Mayall & Bluesbreakers, but, being a member of BC as well, I'm going for both the bass and lead guitar using a boss looper. I got to a point and now I'm going backwards thanks to diy, car polishing, etc. I think I've stopped concentrating.
  15. Hi fella, welcome aboard, love the green Gretsch, I have a D'Angelico semi-acoustic, but I rarely use it nowadays.
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