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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. Hi - this is for site issues, such as forums not working, you would probably have more luck posting a question in amps and cabs
  2. There are posting settings saying you need 5 posts to be able to post in general. Seems a bit high, but otherwise, you probably have enough post count to now do it!
  3. Do the bolt on epiphone eb0s have an embossed serial number on them? I know none of the ones I have seen have, they just had a sticker. Why would you make a copy of an epiphone? These are next to nothing new, if you were going to make a copy you would make one of a gibson.
  4. If he bought it at an auction wouldn't he remember who the group are? The bass has very little value as a bass, just an epiphone EB0, so about £100 - the signatures might be worth something small to a signature collector, or maybe the bass with the sigs might be worth it to somewhere like a diner or rock based resteraunt, if they were of someone that anyone knew. But its never going to be a lot.
  5. Hi All, there has recently been an issue with posting which might have meant that you weren't able to create new threads or post. I believe that issue is now sorted and everything should be working fine. If you find you have any issues with posting, please feel free to report it either by selecting support on the menu above and making a new support request, or by messaging me directly. Thanks
  6. For interest, and not to muddy the waters too much, this is what is generally meant by the north and south of coils on a drawing. However, the reason they are called 'North' and 'South' rather than the easier to understand, 'Top' and 'Bottom' is because (by general convention, but very occasionally not), the top pickup has the North side of the magnetic field to the strings, and the bottom of the pickup has the south side to the strings. To definitvely find out which is which, hold a compass above the poles - if the N points to the pickup that is south to the strings, if the S points to the pickup, it is north to the strings.
  7. OK, doesn't seem to be a problem, mine was switched off (as I never use or read status updates). If you look in your profile (click on your name at the top right), then select the middle button 'Edit profile' - is your status update turned on?
  8. You are right, there doesn't seem to be a status update input. I am guessing as there are status updates, other people must have them, and its not something i would normally notice (I dont get the status thing), I will have a look into it later. Sorry for the delay, I don't come here often!
  9. Have you considered hiding your credit card somewhere?
  10. Should be fixed now
  11. Depends what sort of system you have. It has all the inputs / outputs on its home page, so just use the easiest. It has 2 balanced outs (assuming left / right), 2 unbalanced guitar outs as well as a USB interface. If you have a mixer or an audio input, then the balanced outs would be the good thing, if you have a general audio input that can take guitar level signals you can use the unbalanced ones, or if you have no interface and a spare USB, just use the USB as an audio input
  12. It would probably be better if you add pictures of what you are selling here, as well of prices of the items you are selling next to them!
  13. Oh that looks nice. It has to be said you get nicer woods on your palletes than we get on ours!
  14. It's standard apart from the finish but I am not a collector so not really concerned as to what is original!
  15. I have a Gibson The Paul - a 1978s budget gibson. Got it of a friend after mentioning it was a guitar I really wanted in 1980 but couldn't afford it then (interestingly, for allmost the same price as it was new then). It isn't in great condition, but more importantly it has been finished in a sort of brown nitro which I am not a fan of. Originally they were just unfinished as they are walnut. So my options are to strip it down or send it to somewhere for refinishing it. I guess i could always have it done in TV Yellow, that might be good. Has anyone stripped one back and would it look ok unfinished after it has been nitro'd or is it always going to look a bit patchy?
  16. Gibson once did a henrdrix strat. Not sure if they did that in left handed. But that was one of the oddest signature models!
  17. To be fair, they wouldn't have been accurate models if they were!
  18. Certainly seems to be working here!
  19. I don't think the pickup is the significant difference in the Nate Mendel, I think it is that the neck is thinner and narrower than the standard precision, and that is the only shipping P model that that is the case of. Anyone can change the pickup in an instrument, sourcing and changing the neck is a lot harder. I think it is not a question of ignoring the model because it is an artist model is a different thing to actually going out of your way to buy it because of the artist affiliation, rather than whatever difference that creates, such as I notice there is a (increadably expensive) George Harrison telecaster. Some people will presumably buy it because of the George Harrison link (although for the life of me I don't remember a picture of him playing a telecaster, although he obviously must have), and some people will buy it because it is the only model made with a rosewood body. I doubt that anyone would deliberately not buy it just because it was connected to George Harrison somehow. Although I suspect most people would avoid it because it is almost £3k for a telecaster, which frankly everyone who has ever held a saw should be able to make in their lunchtimes!
  20. Yes, it was broken by an update at 23:00 last night, but it was since fixed - took an hour though so you probably tried to get in at that point
  21. I think it just adds variations, so its not such a bad thing- i have had a few signature models while not caring about the person whos signature it was, just that I liked what it offered. Guitars manufacturers always relied on musician tie ins to sell their instruments, when you are young you tend to pick your first instruments based on who you like
  22. If I was spending money like that on headphones I would get the Boss Waza-Air guitar headphones, seem very highly rated
  23. Yes, our global template is not compatible with the current version as it has been modified. I need to find out why it has been modified!
  24. What is going on with those fret markers?
  25. Would that be a flock?
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