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ped last won the day on May 15 2022

ped had the most liked content!


About ped

  • Birthday 05/11/1983

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  1. ped

    New Dark Theme!

    Give it a try! To choose the theme, scroll to the bottom of the site and find 'Theme' - click and select 'Guitarchat 2.0 (Dark)' Cheers ped
  2. ped

    Sign In?

    Thanks folks, we’re on it
  3. My pleasure!
  4. ped

    My ad

    That's right, no fee to list here yet, thanks for asking and good luck with the sale
  5. Hi folks Thanks for joining GC and getting involved. It’ll grow in time and I think that’s fine - Basschat was the same way and it took a while for a quality membership to establish. One thing that would help members get more involved would be if you guys could start some threads with the potential for everyone to get involved, like ‘show us yer pedalboard’ etc. So if anyone wants to start some then that’s cool. Cheers ped
  6. Done, cheers
  7. ped


    Welcome mate
  8. Yeah we’ll probably make one once the forum is ticking along. No need to segregate now.
  9. Welcome mate enjoy the forum
  10. You'll be after a LHD Porsche next!
  11. The whole forum is new, sheesh
  12. Hewaw!
  13. ped

    FS forum

    Hi there. Yes you can do that, or put a total price for all the items. Cheers ped
  14. Just drag the pic into the bit at the bottom of the reply box Let me know if you want a screen grab to show. Cheers
  15. Same as BC, as far as I know. It’s possible to set up custom behaviour if you’ve made your own stream though on both sites.
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