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Everything posted by Skinnyman

  1. I’ve tried a Zoom rehearsal and it was awful. The latency wasn’t too bad when talking but long enough to make music awful. Is Sonobus any better?
  2. It’s the first gig as a guitarist this Saturday (private party outdoors following social distancing rules) so we’ll find out if the nerves are still a thing! Preparation seems to be the key so I’d best go practice some more!
  3. That’s the odd thing as I would consider myself to be a bit of an extrovert (or show-off if you prefer). Certainly, something makes me want to keep getting onto a stage to perform in some way or other - there’s probably some deep psychological issue at the root of it all, probably something to do with being bottle fed or not having nappies changed or some such. As far as nerves go, it’s literally just this, the guitar thing. And it’s not as if I’m doing any solos so, to an extent, I can “hide” in the mix if I need to. I just find it odd that I (usually Mr Confident) am so affected by the prospect of playing a guitar in front of strangers. I’m sure it will pass and I’ll be back to being my usual smug, obnoxious, over-bearing self but right now this is strange territory for me and it feels…unsettling.
  4. Good idea. Designing Systems for High Availability in Critical National Infrastructure always goes down well. Or I could do them the Queen Mab speech from Romeo and Juliet. That should break the ice
  5. So long as I can remember what it is and where it lives on the thingy. The sticky out thing with the lines on it. Y’know. The flats. No, not flats. Like that though. Begins with an F. Neck. That’s it. The neck. Which doesn’t begin with an F. Fretboard. That’s the one.
  6. I’ve been lucky. I’ve never suffered from stage fright or nerves or performance anxiety (or is that one more of a bedroom thing?). Anyway… I’ve been in plays, I delivered speeches at conferences large and small and I’ve played bass at hundreds of gigs - and I’ve never suffered with nerves. A little extra adrenalin pumping round the system perhaps, and maybe the need to pee a bit more than usual beforehand but nothing that would affect my performance or even be noticeable. I’ve now taken on Second Guitar duties in the band and so, for the first time, I’m playing guitar in front of other people. And I’m bricking it. Even just at rehearsal. OK, once I’m a couple of songs in, things get back to normal but at the start I am shaking like the product tester at Ann Summers to the extent that I can’t even finger basic chords. Hopefully, this will pass as I build confidence but it’s a very unusual and unnerving feeling and I don’t care for it one bit!
  7. Charming, I’m sure. But yes, I agree. We need more iniquity around here. Or… what’s the opposite of iniquity? Perhaps there’s scope for an equal and opposite? Less militaristic and more hippy-like? And where’s your NGD post? Or are you keeping it to yourself?
  8. Nice. Welcome to the forum and good luck with the build!
  9. Quite. They’re very lovely as pieces of furniture or as art but I can take or leave them as guitars
  10. Er, okay. Weirdo. I’m not a massive fan of quilted finishes or highly-figured grain anyway but in fairness the combo probably works better in the flesh than pictures. The good thing is, I only have to play it and don’t have to look at it
  11. No worries, it is a bit bilious. From what I can work out, they only did a roasted maple neck in the SE range in this colour so it’s not like I had any other options - but fortunately, I don’t give a stuff about the colour, it’s just a dream to play.
  12. I’ve had mixed experiences with the Dummies books. Some have been good but the ones on music theory and composition I just didn’t get on with at all. The thing I enjoyed about the David Meads book was his writing style. Very accessible and enjoyable.
  13. There are many, many books on music theory but the one I’ve found most useful (and very readable) is “Chords and Scales for Guitarists” by David Meads. Anyone got any others that they’ve found helpful or particularly well written?
  14. Welcome to the forum, Noob. I started learning when I was in my early fifties so you’re a mere slip of a lad still Whether it’s scales or songs doesn’t really matter - what matters is that you enjoy what you’re doing. Having a decent grounding in theory will serve you well in the future and I think you’ve made a wise decision to work with a tutor. Good luck with the practice and have fun!
  15. Oh, all right then…
  16. Update; I used it at rehearsal last week and I’m blown away (as were the rest of the band). I wouldn’t use it for every song but it opens up all sorts of possibilities for arrangements.
  17. That’s why I bought mine - as a travel guitar that I could take as hand luggage. And for that it was great but I still found the absence of a headstock very disconcerting. In other news, I got into my local guitar shop today and had a play with every PRS in the shop. I fully intended to get either a Mira or Starla but the one I left with was an SE Custom 24 (a 2019 limited edition in bilious green with roasted maple neck). The neck is just a joy to play and is what sold me on the guitar (and ignore the colour). The Starla was a real disappointment. Initially looked good owing to the light weight but there’s a boominess to the tone that I couldn’t get rid of and which was there on a couple of different amps and irrespective of pickup selection. The Mira was nice in a sort of SG-on-steroids sort of way and I would probably have got it if I hadnt picked up the Custom 24. So, GAS attack has passed. For now….
  18. I bought one of these used a few years ago on a whim and after an initial play around with it, never really had occasion to use it. We’ve recently had a bit of change round in the band (long story, I was going to leave but now I’m not) and I’ve handed bass duties to someone else. I’ve now taken on rhythm/second guitar and I figure this is the perfect opportunity to start using the GR55 to add the extra textures that we’d get from a keyboardist without the hassle of actually having to have one. So far I’ve only used it for practice at home but it seems to work really well. I don’t want to use it on everything but for quite a few songs it will help add some pad textures or let me do little horn stabs and sax fills. Rehearsal next week so I’ll find out then how practical it is and how well it sits in the mix. I’m wondering if anyone else uses a guitar synth live and whether there are any hints and tips to be shared
  19. Haha! I’m sure I couldn’t afford it! I did have one of the current Spirit models and just couldn’t get on with it. The absence of the headstock just freaked me out somehow and I just couldn’t play it with any sort of fluidity.
  20. Tempting but that’s a little beyond my woodworking abilities Is that Ned Steinberger’s original prototype? Be worth a lot of money, that.
  21. Peach guitars seem to have bought up all the Antique White Starlas (discontinued colour) and are knocking them out for £449 rather than the RRP of £599. Tempting but I just can’t get on with the colour. I’m leaning more towards the Mira in Cherry at the moment. Or would be if I hadn’t just had to buy a new lawnmower. Rock’n’roll, eh?
  22. Now that’s what I mean! Helpful, insightful and just the kind of self-justification I was looking for!
  23. Well, inevitably, I will. But where’s the fun in just giving in without at least the semblance of a struggle? And I think I’ve worked it out and the (visual) attraction seems to be the fact that’s it’s an unbound neck. My local guitar shop has just reopened and they’re a PRS dealer so I’ll go in and see if I can have a noodle on one. The risk being that I’ll end up with the rather lovely but much more expensive satin Vela S2 that they have in stock.
  24. My favourite Python sketch. Utterly stupid and hilarious And I don’t see why I should suffer alone; https://prsguitars.com/electrics/model/se_custom_24_lefty_2021
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