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Angel last won the day on February 11 2022

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Total Plectrums

  1. Strats definitely aren’t the emperors new clothes! So many of my fave guitarists are strat players, they are definitely playing them right. what I don’t get is why someone who clearly can’t gel with Strats has owned 40 of them! I like Strats a lot, I use pickup positions 1,2,4 & 5 but rarely middle pickup on its own.
  2. Interesting, I wonder what sort of music they will be playing?
  3. Well I went to the channel and straight away it wants me to subscribe. Er ... no thanks, just visiting. Then I looked at the video wall and most of them include the word 'prank'. I'm not a prank person I find them irritating so this channel is not for me. My fave guitar Channel would be Rick Beato.
  4. I had a wonderful Uncle who died of cancer 25 years ago. He wasn't actually an Uncle, he was my dads cousin, and my dad's best friend in the whole world. It was a tough loss, especially for my mum and dad. Anyway, he ran a marvellous little off license, having taken it over from his father many years earlier. Over the years my dad acquired many of these boxes, and at one time I used about 12 for garage storage. They all got wet and ruined and ultimately scrapped, at a time when I didn't realise how cool they are. A terrible shame. Anyway, I have two left, and my dad probably has a couple so I may well make another at some point. Yeah, the guitar, the idea came to me a few years ago as a tribute to my Uncle. Since the photo I have added a Bigsby. I know that many people hate them but I am a big fan.
  5. Here's one of mine.
  6. Dave is a wonderful guitarist (and amazing piano/keyboard player as well!) I have all Iona stuff, and he is currently guitarist in one of my very favourite bands - Lifesigns. Their latest album (Altitude) is brilliant, and his solo on 'Last one home' Is an emotional thing of beauty.
  7. Tough call to pick three. I'm going: Nick Barrett - leader and songwriter for my fave band - Pendragon, and master of the melodic solo. Thomas Blug - Live in Raalte is one of my fave albums ever, wonderful instrumental strat tones, great touch and feel. Guthrie Govan - technically brilliant, but can also play with great emotion (Drive home or Regret #9 anyone?)
  8. That's a lot of questions. Why not just answer the original question - We will be here forever if we all type loads of great guitarists that no-one else has mentioned! Favourites, here's a few for me: Thomas Blug, Philip Sayce, Nick Barrett, Eric Johnson, Ritchie Blackmore particularly on live stuff. Yeah, I kind of go for strat players.
  9. Angel

    Fanned Frets

    That bass looks awesome!
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