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randythoades last won the day on February 10

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About randythoades

  • Birthday 06/10/1971

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Total Plectrums

  1. Are Gibson struggling again? Is the aim to create a stir on the internet and get people talking about the brand? Let's be honest, no publicity is bad publicity. I am happy for signature guitars to exist. Plenty of players want to more emulate their heroes, and doesn't take away the fact that they are also fine instruments for non fans to play. But this seems a bit silly, bringing out signature guitars that most wouldn't associate with. And with such a massive price tag.
  2. Ouch. That would make a dent in the bank account. I also don't associate a black LP with Clapton. Yes, the sunburst LP during the Bluesbreakers time, a 335 or SG with Cream and then obviously a black strat. A quick Google does pull up a handful of photos, but I certainly wouldn't associate this with him specifically. And £17500 when you could get pretty much 10 Clapton signature strats...? No thanks. Although, I suppose that is cheaper than an original 1958 one. You can buy a new (non signature) one for about £6000. So a 'signature' is worth over £10,000?
  3. You might get more response to this over on Basschat as this is more guitar focused. There are plenty of members who cross over so might be more experienced. I haven't used active pickups so don't really know.
  4. Goodness, I have several. I go through stages of a full clear out and then end up buying some of it back again a year later, usually losing money on the deal. My biggest regrets are selling my first 'proper' strat, a MIJ 62 reissue and my first bass, an old 1980s Aria TSB. Loved them both but sold them to get 'better' instruments that really weren't that much better. I have bought several more strats and 3 or 4 other TSB basses to try and replicate them but never really gelled with them. As pointed out elsewhere, my memory is probably much better and more rose tinted than the reality.
  5. Fantastic looking. I also have Gretsch GAS on a regular basis, I love the look of the hollow bodied and the Bigsby, even though I don't use vibratos usually. But I also just play for my own amusement so try to content myself with the numerous guitars I already have. In fact, I have enough parts to probably make another 2 or 3 complete instruments, so that should keep me busy. My wife says I tinker with them more than I actually play them these days.
  6. Very impressive. Good job.
  7. Ah yes, I see. You could use a multi DI such as the Behringer Ultra DI800 as that would give 8 DI inputs and 8 balanced XLR outputs into the H8. A much cheaper option than changing your interface.
  8. Never heard of them. But it looks very cool though!
  9. I haven't used those particular DI boxes before but I have used others and have and use several Zoom recorders for different applications. The H8 wouldn't be my choice for multitrack recording, it is more of a compact field recorder to capture band recordings, podcasting away from your desk etc. But it will do the job fine as long as you don't need the extra functionality. If you are at your desk, just use it as an audio interface and make all the corrections and parameters in your DAW. But I don't think you will need to run the DI at all, you should be able to plug straight into the combo jack, they are meant for guitar level signals and have switchable Hi-Z. Should be no problem if you have an onboard preamp or powered pickup. If it is just a passive pickup then you are still be able to plug in if you increase the gain enough but accept that there will be additional noise. There isn't a massive amount of EQ etc in the Zooms themselves so if you don't want to export into computer then your editing options are limited (not always a bad thing!) so you want as good a signal as possible going in. My own solution is to get an old Zoom 504ii acoustic effects box off eBay for like £25 and use that to boost and modify the signal as best I can before it gets to the recorder and ignore the PC until final mastering.
  10. Looks great, especially with the Marshall!!
  11. I was never about rhythm alone, but I started to imitate the guys who mixed lead and rhythm together in that slightly muted but melodic way rather than distinct rhythm and lead roles. Usually from small single guitar bands such as Eddie Van Halen, Fast Eddie Clarke, Scotty Moore, James Burton, Brian Setzer, Billy Gibbons, Pete Townsend
  12. Very nice. Sorry the Laney didn't work out. Looked like it had lots of potential.
  13. What's up the tree?? The dogs seem to like whatever it is.
  14. I do happen to really like Gold tops, but I also have an 'attraction/repulsion relationship with PRS'. I love to look at them, but I have been disappointed with all the ones I have played (granted they have mainly been SE models). Just something about the way they are doesn't work for me, the neck feels too flat and too wide and I can't get many of the tones I like, they just seem too 'polished, smooth and grown up'. I can't seem to get that fat LP tone, a spiky punky tone, nor the direct Fender type tone. But watching other players use them is often jaw droppingly good!!
  15. That is a great idea. I dabbled with mandolin but struggled with the string and fret spacing due to fat fingers!
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