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Matt P

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  1. Back when i was younger i played a lot of guitar and my main rig was a Marshall JTM600 2x12, i wasn't married and when i wanted to practice i just used my amp along with whatever pedals i wanted. I'm now married with a son and very limited space so i mainly play sitting at my desk using a Focusrite scarlett and some headphones. the sound is fine but i'm missing some of the tone shaping and effects i used to have access to, my space is very limited so using an actual amp with a speaker isn't an option (also all my amps are all valve and lack any kind of headphone output, and practicing without headphones is not possible.) i have been having a bit of an look online and was thinking of buying either some kind of desktop effects unit or possibly some hind of tiny hybrid micro head (Bantamp maybe, or a micro terror) I do own a Marshall DRP-1 but it's a bit of a one trick pony and it really needs a new set of pots as it is a bit on the temperamental side. I know that i could use some kind of software but my main pc is Linux and i would rather have some kind of physical box of tricks. I would also prefer something that is designed to be on a desk rather than anything designed for floor use (no footswitches) a small footprint is a must too, or even something that would sit on top of my interface or on a shelf with controls along the front provided it was smaller than a 1U rack, 1/2 rack width would be ok. My budget is about £50, happy to go either new or used. the units i have seen so far include - Line 6 pod (various versions) Behringer V-amp Mooer PE100 what are peoples thoughts on these? are there any others i should look at? Thanks Matt
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