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About Dad3353

  • Birthday 20/08/1950

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Total Plectrums

  1. Related (brief version...) elsewhere here, my replacement Hofner President is now safely ensconced a few yards from me right now, and destined to stay, this time..! Here's its arrival, after half a century...
  2. Before going down that road, have a look at these ... Amazon : Bolt-On Neck Guitar Screws and Sleeves ... Carefully centre the drill for the inserts (start with a small (1mm..?), accurate drill bit and enlarge progressively, being careful to get the right exact depth, then screw in the inserts, with a spot of wood glue on each. Use a new, standard neck plate as a template for positioning. It might be worth filling in the neck holes just the same. Once assmbled, the neck will be stronger than ever before. Worth a shot..?
  3. If you get stuck, it would be possible to plug the holes in the neck and the body, then use a standard plate, re-drilling holes appropriately. Just a thought; hope this helps.
  4. Dad3353

    virtual Meetings?

    Tab books..? I could supply a small music school with all the tab, notation and method books I've accumulated over the decades..! Everything from how to harmonise, basic (and less basic...) music theory, several 'Real' books of jazz standards, with just as many (or maybe more; I've lost count...) of songs by various bands and/or artists. All of this for guitar, but also bass, and drums (I'm a drummer...). I'm still using, on an almost daily basis, the very first guitar method I bought when buying my very first guitar (this latter now, thankfully, long gone...); 'Mickey Baker's Complete Couse in Jazz Guitar'. The rest is history ...
  5. There's no answer to your questions or doubts for your own particular instrument. What would a guitar tech do..? He/she would check it with a fret rocker, and, if it warranted it, would set it back to the correct height, most likely with a brass or nylon mallet (or, if there's very little, with a fret dress and re-crowning...). All the other frets would get a check, whilst it's on the bench, with maybe a tweak of the intonation before handing it back, all fixed and ready to go. There would be no discussion as to how guitar makers set up their tooling for cutting fret slots (many are done by hand, anyway...). Soooooo... Either leave it as it is, bite the bullet and do the job yourself, or take it to a competent tech for set-up. There's not much point in over-thinking things. Just my tuppence-worth; hope this helps. Douglas
  6. Almost, but not quite. If you're really sure that it's only one high fret (you really need a 'fret rocker' to ascertain this...), here's a good description of the way to go about it. If using a 'normal' hammer, put a decent bit of plastic between the blow and the fret, to reduce the risk of flattening the crown of the fret. If possible, try it out as a technique on a less important fretboard, if you have one. Good luck with it.
  7. As above ^^; set your 'click' (metronome or drum beat, whatever...) to the speed at which you can currently play it faultlessly, whatever that speed is (no cheating; it must be comfortably faultless...). Then up the tempo, very gradually, and play at that tempo until it, too, becomes flawless (maybe a week or so..? If it's not coming, slow back down again.) Once it's comfortable, up the tempo a tiny notch, rinse and repeat. The key to success is the light-bulb moment when one finally twigs that the only way to play fast is to play slowly. The more time it takes to get up to speed, the faster one gets to the end goal. It never fails, but one must be armed with a Big Bucket of Patience. Once this is acquired (and constantly replenished...), it's all that's needed. Take all the time needed; it's not a race. Hope this helps.
  8. Good evening, @42Hz, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  9. Good morning, @Hooker Customs, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  10. You've not given your location, so I don't know just how easy it is to find a competent guitar tutor near you. That's the most efficient (and cost-effective, really...) way to get oneself on the right track. OK, it's not always possible or easy. There are some very good on-line tutors, in many styles; I can recommend Sandra Sherman's YouTube channel... https://www.youtube.com/@GuitarversumSandraSherman ... where one will find plenty of videos, in plenty of styles, that are well worth a look, and the course material she proposes is high quality. Worth a look..? Let us know what this inspires and see where we go from there..? Hope this helps. Tempted by Hybrid picking..? ... or a chord-melody rendering of 'Smile' (Yes, you have heard it before, and it's very easy on the ear...)...
  11. No photos, I'm afraid, just a buffering 'Wheel of Doom'. Perhaps they are not set up for public view..?
  12. Dad3353


    Good afternoon, @PeteUK, and ... ... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share.
  13. Only 'frowned upon' when out of context; both are correct in the right place. There's a lot of useful explanation, easy enough to assimilate, here... Reddit : Is Eb the same as D#..? ... Hope this helps.
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