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Showing content with the highest reputation since 14/03/24 in Posts

  1. I don't think I've posted here before - I'm a member of basschat.co.uk, but after playing bass for decades, lately I've been singing and playing mandolin and octave mandolin. I don't actually play guitar, though I have a couple of guitar-shaped objects in my collection - an acoustic guitar bodied octave mandolin, and earlier this year a local guitar builder converted a copy of a Gibson SG to mandolin for me. I'm currently working towards a Rock School grade 2 acoustic guitar exam... with a mandolin!
    5 points
  2. Hi! I was asked to make a version of this nostalgic song "Nuotiotunnelma" (Engl. Campfire atmosphere) from 1977 movie called Jäniksen vuosi. At the end I added some challenging finger picking part there to give different feel and climax. The basic theme is fun to play and works nicely on background music gigs. Video: Tabs: cheers, Mikko
    4 points
  3. Hi there! I just joined a new band called Sons of steel. This is one of our singles: Let me know your opinion about it. Thanks!!
    4 points
  4. Son(16) is a fan of King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. Cheap Squier Bullet Strat from Cash Converters and a Most-Marvelous Inter-Fret Job by @Andyjr1515 fella who sits (slumps!) at the bar in the BassChat Arms... (Blah! Blah! and Pics in a BassChat Tech&Repair post) https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/496955-microtonal-fretting-microwhat-but-sorry-not-on-a-bass/?do=findComment&comment=5264843 When 12TET and 20 or so frets just arn't enough... go 24TET and over 40 frets to play with!
    4 points
  5. Thanks everybody for your answers and contributions. Made some interesting reading, and some great model photos. Just before Christmas, I privately bought a Marshall amp. The owner asked if I would also take his old black and white Strat off his hands too for a meagre £30.... It was an exact double of the one in my original post with identical headstock and weight. Well...you can guess the rest! Cheers again for all of your input.
    4 points
  6. Thanks for the advice @randythoades. Just opened a bass chat account and will try there
    3 points
  7. Decided to get the Epi Les Paul 60’s Standard in Bourbon Burst I had looked at PRS but decided this is what I wanted. Out of the box the quality, setup was spot on and amazing for a £500 guitar. Sounds excellent and pickups are very good and sounds great clean and overdriven They have definitely improved since I owned an Epi Les Paul Plus Top Pro about 10 years ago this is as close to Gibson quality you can get without the price tag ! Awesome guitar
    3 points
  8. On Saturday we had a work party where we provided the entertainment. About six weeks ago I rounded up a bunch of colleagues and proposed we do a song together. Below is the result: 52fb7b34b4790dbaf517c3d5cce802d3.mp4 It was my first time performing on guitar and I used the instrument mentioned here: All sorts of technical issues that I won't bore everyone with but the band had no right sounding as good as this recording suggests. I originally rehearsed with a 4U rack containing my beloved Triaxis and MPXG2 into a Marshall 20/20. But there were 60Hz hum and phasing issues so I swapped the rack for a Kemper and used a profile of the Triaxis instead with only marginal improvement (no more phasing). The Kemper went into two Hotone Loudster Class D power amps sat on a pair of Joyo 1x12 cabs loaded with Celestion Neo Creambacks. The speakers struggled to disperse, but this shouldn't have been too much of an issue if we had been given PA support. Unfortunately the video stops just before I move up front for the solo guitar breaks. I did the thing though - one foot on the monitor. No hair in the wind unfortunately.
    3 points
  9. Thinking that I ought to have a hollow bodied guitar for jazz I bought a Streamliner and have indeed given that Bigsby a wobble from time to time despite it being considered inappropriate within the genre.
    3 points
  10. I picked up a super cheap Ibanez S670 with a fake body for 1500RMB ten days ago and went about upgrading, fixing and customising it with chrome Gotoh hardware and Dimarzio Satriani signature pickups. I wanted to do a Chromeboy painted finish but it's not possible to do it well on wood bodies. The original Chromeboys had finish cracking and bubbling issues do to wood expanding and contracting with seasonal changes, the follow ups had bodies made of lucite not wood. So I did the next best thing - bought a load of mirror vinyl wrap online and found a friendly auto wrapping firm to do it for me after my own attempt failed miserably. The reflection isn't 100% sharp but only really noticable when you are standing closer than 5 meters. I'm planning on using the guitar for a show coming up on Jan 11. The good thing of vinyl over paint is that I can get it re wrapped if it starts to look a little worn.
    3 points
  11. This year a Joyo "Oxford Sound" pedal. So far I'm very pleased with it - lets me go straight into our PA without lugging an amp around.
    3 points
  12. To better appreciate this event, I would refer you to a previous post here, where the 'back story' is quite fully related, so doesn't need repeating here. Skip it if you're in a hurry, but you'll be missing out. Soooooo... I've just, in the past few days, taken delivery of a new (to me, but not quite...) guitar that has been on my 'bucket list' for over half a century. A fellow member of our sister site (Basschat...) passed me a link to a site where this quite rare guitar was for sale, in Sweden. After looking up my finances (it was not cheap...), I contacted the Seller I 'bit the bullet', and, after some tractation over acquisition of a hard case for shipping, it finally arrived, safe and sound, snuggling up nicely in a brand new case. 'OK', I hear you ask, 'but what guitar is it..?' You'll have guessed if you'd read the post in the link above; it's a Hofner President Thinline E2 Florentine, from the late '60s, the same model that I foolishly 'let go' in my stoopid youth. Yippee..! Here's the photos I hastily took as it arrived... Pleased..? You betcha; pleased as Punch. I'm now struggling to get back to where I was, all those decades ago, trying to play a chord-melody version of 'Misty'. By a horrible coincidence, I had trimmed my nails, on both hands, and will have to wait a while before playing that way, as I have done since year 'dot', with only fingers, so I'm struggling at the same time with the use of a plectrum. It's all good, though, albeit extremely slow going. I have a Chromebook for displaying a Pdf of the version I'm using (from a Sandy Sherman YouTube video; just about the best and most accessible I've seen...), but as soon as I think I've assimilated a few bars, I turn the page to continue, but have forgotten it when I turn back again. I'm using my usual method of learning the 'outro' first, so that I'll be working into 'known' territory as I move forward, but, for now (it's been only a few days, but...) I'm finding it quite a job remembering only these dozen or so bars. It'll come (it has to..!), and I find the neck of this guitar to be exactly fitted to how I play (perhaps 'muscle memory' from all that time ago, when I learnt on that first President...). Anyway, enough rambling; back to the Chromebook for another session. I'll see about better pictures if/when the weather picks up, for outdoors lighting. Bye for now... Douglas
    3 points
  13. When singing a melody through, in your head or out loud, try to pick out the highest and lowest notes, when you get to them. That's when to pick up the guitar and find those notes, and only those notes. That'll determine where on the fingerboard the rest of the melody lies, so, having established the extremes, now find the initial, starting note, keeping in mind these extremities. Does this help..?
    3 points
  14. If, as you say, it's minimal, I wouldn't worry about it at all. There are many guitars (even acoustics...) that are not symmetrically balanced anyway, so even if the wall mount was 'plumb', the weight could well be offset. I've never heard of a guitar neck being affected by being hung this way; they are pretty solidly constructed. If it's only an aesthetic thing, I'd leave it alone. It would be possible to redress things a little, without taking the wall mount down, by winding a piece of cloth onto one side of the mount, as packing, to have the guitar 'plumb'; I'd surely not bother. Hope this helps.
    3 points
  15. If you can afford it and it will make you happy then do it. I personally am a tight arse and even if I could afford a Gibson (I can't) I'd never buy one because I'm a klutz and it would be an expensive thing for me to damage, same goes for a Ferarri, I'd have door pockets full of crisp packets and I'd no doubt kerb the wheels parking it.
    3 points
  16. There is a chap on Instagram named Ohms in Hawaii and he posts beautiful guitars on the beach like this photo: There are hundreds of posts just like this one, these photos really warmed my winter mornings.
    3 points
  17. What about selling it and buying a nice gift for the donor, or explain to him that you aren't getting on with it and ask if he would mind you selling it. You could offer him all or some of the money minus any expenses.
    3 points
  18. Here it is, about to get treated to a good clean and some new strings. Setup seems spot on but I’ll check it all and set the pick-up heights to suit. The overall finish is superb - not just for the price but for a guitar of any price. The binding is lovely and clean with no gaps or flaws that I can see and the fret ends are super smooth (the frets need a good polish though). It needs a good clean up and some oil on the fretboard and I may swap the volume and tone knobs for black ones at some point but I do think I’ve blagged a real bargain for once
    3 points
  19. I’d forgotten how rewarding it can be to fit the right strings (for me at least) to an acoustic guitar. New strings on an electric are fine, but fitting a new set on an acoustic just makes it sing or, at least, can do. I bought my Inspired By Gibson, Hummingbird a fair while back. The strings it came with (12s) were fine, but a bit heavy for me. When I bought it, I picked up a set of D’Addario 10s and fitted them straight away. Nice guitar that it is, it didn’t have that Goldilocks thing of being just right with those strings. I refitted the original 12s and it was better, but still heavy for me and I’ve stuck with them for a fair while. Whilst buying something completely unrelated on Amazon, the other day, I remembered that the strings on my other, steel strung acoustic are really nice and that I bought them from Mr Bezos’ online empire. I checked my order history, to check what they were again, and I bought another set of them for the Hummingbird, DR Rare 11s. Just finished fitting them (complete with the inevitable puncture wound in a fingertip ) and what a difference! Yes, it sings because of the newness of the strings, but there’s something else, full bottom end (ooh, er, Mrs!), singing highs, supportive mids, properly loud and the tension is just right, I have achieved that Goldilocks balance of tone and playability. Therefore, if you have an acoustic that’s not delivering what you want, just try changing the strings for something you know works on other guitars, or take a punt on a previously untried brand/type of string, it might just be the thing you’ve been looking for and is cheaper than buying a new guitar (not that buying new guitars is bad, but needs must and all that).
    2 points
  20. think ive just found a technique that works. lol i know im talking to myself here. i start plucking 3 strings nice and slow then get faster and faster until im at my max. then stop and start again. and in 2 minutes ive just got faster. ive been playing this for weeks trying to get faster and the start slow and build up speed has worked a treat, thanks for putting that idea in my head dad3353!
    2 points
  21. Me giving it some full on A major stuff many years ago on my much loved and sadly missed Washburn HB35 that I got sent from America. UK only had, if I remember right red, natural , and black available. White wasnt an option here, but that's what I wanted. It got stuck at customs because I didnt know about import tax back then☹
    2 points
  22. Hi there, I just wanted to see what you all thought about the electric guitars I build here in the UK. Been doing it for a while now but wanted to see if I could get more opinions and interest in what I do. We are called Hooker Customs. https://hookercustoms.co.uk/ Our Instagram has more of the latest and past builds.
    2 points
  23. here is the current board with some diys and some stock pedals. More diys kicking about and more Boss to add on a new board for part of my rebuilding the rig of my youth
    2 points
  24. I had already pre-empted Christmas in offering to myself my bucket-list guitar : a Hofner President E2 thinline, Florentine cut, having foolishly traded away the first one I had, late '60s. Half a century later, I got this one from a Reverb seller in Sweden. The Christmas gift..? Our Daughter, thinking (rightly...) that it would be difficult to find something I'd want/need that I didn't already have, posted a sum of money into my bank which covered the cost of the hard case and shipping of my dream guitar. Much appreciated, and a Very Nice Surprise. Here's a (bad...) photo of the delivery and unpacking of the guitar...
    2 points
  25. I’d love an L5, or an ES175 at a pinch, but I’m quite attached to my kidneys.
    2 points
  26. Squirrel, normally. It likes to mess with their head. They will stay there til they get called off.
    2 points
  27. Ordered a pair of matched JJ EL34 tubes and swopped out the Marshall stock EL34 ( will keep as spares ) Replaced V1 and V2 with JJ ECC83S Pleasing results as it sounds warmer, fuller and less harsh at high gain which the better JJ tubes seem to be helping A nice easy upgrade
    2 points
  28. For me it has to be Ritchie Blackmore and his stratocasters. As far as I can tell he has at least two - one which is a pale natural wood finish, and another which is painted an ivory colour.
    2 points
  29. There are posting settings saying you need 5 posts to be able to post in general. Seems a bit high, but otherwise, you probably have enough post count to now do it!
    2 points
  30. Ah. For this, I'd refer you to my usual words of encouragement that I often dish out, when subjects such as this arise... 'It's the first forty years that are the worst, after which things sometimes tend to get slightly better.'
    2 points
  31. I'm not sure that there are any guitars that are excluded from playing 'metal', but if I take that to mean roughly Strat-shape, with a pointy headstock, I'd start by looking at the Thomann B-stock offers. 'B-stock' means that someone ordered one, then sent it back, normally, but they are perfectly sound, and carry the same guarantee as others. It's a way of getting a bit off the price. Here's a link to some I'd suggest fall into your criteria (between £200-£300...)... Thomann 'Bargain' ST-type guitars, with no vibrato, UK prices ... Feel free to play around with the filters on the left, to see what else is on offer. There's nothing wrong with Tele-style, Les Paul-style, SG-style etc guitars either for metal (maybe avoid archtop though, as a beginner...). All of these guitars hold their tuning, and can be used in any style, including metal, of course. There are many other suppliers than Thomann, but this is an easy way to see and compare what's on the market, from the comfort of one's own home. Nothing beats trying out various instruments at a music shop, once one has an initial idea of what to try out. My personal choice would be a Squire Affinity Tele Deluxe (I prefer humbuckers...), like this one ... Thomann Squire Affinity Deluxe ... ... or this one ... Thomann Harley Benton Fusion T-HH ... Spoilt for choice, now, eh..?
    2 points
  32. Hi all if I tuned down half step… where would a capo go if I wanted to get back to standard tuning? The first fret?
    2 points
  33. I'd suggest that any reasonably-popular guitar, made by any reasonably-popular maker, from any reasonably-popular supplier will be fine for any beginner. There can always be a flaw in any manufactured item; guitars are no exception, but they are rare. If any guitar purchased could be vetted (played by...) a decently competent guitar-playing buddy, to check that it's all working (and it will be...), there's little chance of anything seriously wrong happening. What some reviewers might describe as 'absolutely terrible' could be really insignificant details, that don't affect playing, and wouldn't be noticed by most folk. Any described as 'absolutely fantastic' could, by the same token, have been written by someone paid to give a glowing review. Ideally, you should try out any instrument yourself, or with a competent chum, in a reputable store, and decide what's good for you and your budget. If you must order through the web, there is ample protection against bitter disappointment, and, of course, the normal legal guarantees for any faults. In short, trust yourself more, and go for whatever you like the look of, that will inspire you to learn and play, and is in your budget, from any reputable source, the closer to you the better. If we all gave a list of what's 'great' and what's 'rubbish', you'll not be more advanced. It's all good, as long as it inspires you to learn and play it. Hope this helps. Douglas
    2 points
  34. I agree with this too. I have had both US and Jap models as well a custom shop one too, but get bored with instruments quickly so have always had a high turnover of buying and selling. I defaulted to Mexican in the end. I found the build quality just as good and to be honest I found it more consistent too. I have found some USA (and MIJ) built shockers and passed on them, but not found any poor instruments in the Mex range. Again, my suggestion is just choose the one you like the look of. The electronics can be changed easily and cheaply if necessary.
    2 points
  35. In all honesty, I haven’t actually played a jaguar before! But I have numerous guitars both electric and acoustic that have similar or even shorter scale length (which all suit me well since I’m not a very tall person) so I’m confident I’ll enjoy the feel of a jag. One of my 2 main guitars on tour is a Mexican tele and it’s brilliant. It’s got bare knuckle pups and electronics as well as better tuners but build quality and woods are just as good as my vintage and custom shop strats. But I do definitely prefer the classic jaguar with lead and rhythm circuits and individual pickup switches as opposed to the new stripped back player series ones. If I found a Mexican one for sale with standard layout I would really consider it
    2 points
  36. Considered Mexican? I spent years selling Japanese and Mexican reissue Fenders in London, the difference was so negligible or random between track country. Some Jap gear that gets rave reviews, while being good, is sometimes hyped up far too much. Have you played a Jaguar btw? Just checking you’re cool with the smaller scale length? Some players find a Buzz Stop is really helpful on models with a vintage style bridge, as it stops strings popping off the saddle if you hit hard. The Mex one is definitely Alder btw, could be nice with a good set up and new pups - https://www.fender.com/en-GB/electric-guitars/jaguar/player-ii-jaguar/0140580518.html
    2 points
  37. Yep, sounds like a partially pinched harmonic to me. You may find that part of the thumb or finger, holding the pick, are choking off the note and creating a false/pinched harmonic. This can be used to good effect, if you want it and that’s your thing, Billy Gibbons and Zakk Wylde are noted exponents of the technique.
    2 points
  38. I've just bought a Cordoba Stage and love it - absolutely stunning looking in the edge burst finish. It was this or the Tim Henson but YT reviews suggested the neck was more to my liking on the Cordoba and I couldn't live with the marks on the matt black finish on the Ibanez TH
    2 points
  39. Well, it didn't take long to get a reply; consensus seems to be 'pickups from a PRS Mira X, with added covers'. Here's a review of the Mira X ... ... and another ... Hope this helps.
    2 points
  40. Yes, very sad. A good innings though. Saw the Bluesbreakers play once in Guildford. Cracking gig.
    2 points
  41. Hi Crusoe, Dad33..., EZ and Randy!! Nice to meet you all!
    2 points
  42. I struggle to tune 6 strings accurately. Don't think I would manage 12...! Looks nice though.
    2 points
  43. an amp modeller, not a guitar modeller - I would need a neck pickup for exactly the same reason that someone playing into an amp might want one. The ability to switch pickups would be a big plus within the duo too, for moving between rhythm picking parts and solos or leads
    2 points
  44. Take a look on Reverb or eBay to see what sort of prices they are going for. Beware that on eBay, the asking price isn't always what they will sell for.
    2 points
  45. I bought myself a semi acoustic Ibanez Atcore to get the "in between" sound that I like. It also has the vibrato arm if you want a bit of shimmy. I love it but my better half doesn't as she can hear me practise, even when I'm wearing headphones (obvious to guitarists but not to her indoors who thinks that headphones should eliminate all the guitar "noise"!) I also got a Nu-x Mighty Plug headphone amp which can be used with any electric guitar to add effects and power wired headphones, earbuds and a small powered or battery amp/speaker such as the Marshall MS-2C. There is an app called Mightier that upgrades the Nu-x for use with a bluetooth phone for allsorts of tuneable effects.
    2 points
  46. Some of the Guitars cluttering up the house...
    2 points
  47. Maybe you are correct... If the looper outputs to the amp, the OD pedal distorts the output from the looper and guitar overdubs if placed AFTER? But yes, if the OD pedal was BEFORE, then you could record a clean loop and then overplay with OD second guitar sound. I stand corrected
    2 points
  48. Thanks for the suggestions. I have experimented with the Ultrabass setting on my Behringer V-amp and it does drop the lower strings without seeming to affect higher notes. It is an octave divider by another name. However the sound coming out of the octave down strings is pretty much a fart, if you’ll pardon the expression. I think I’ll just live with no bottom end.
    2 points
  49. This great number was composed by Kevin Romang and is copyrighted by Duo Astral Plane (Kevin Romang and Silvia Plegniere). I played this using my Fender '56 NOS Stratocaster with the neck and middle pickups (Fender 57/62's) both used together, into the excellent Vintage VST Host software produced by Christian Boileau, available absolutely FREE at - https://vintage-sounds.freeforums.net/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMjwxi8HDlU
    2 points
  50. Hi Everyone! I am new here and this is my first posting... Just a Dream Theater guitar solo in my studio room... Hope you all like it!
    2 points
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