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  1. A Good Question, and one that I am maybe the worst person to reply to, as I don't use pedals, or very, very sparingly. A lot depends on one's repertoire (I like to play finger-style jazz chord-melody parts, so a bit of reverb or delay and I'm all set...). For those having an amp with 'crunch' available, it would be useful, for some, to be able to switch sounds 'on the fly', so a simple amp Fx would not suit. A bunch of drive/thrust/bigliness/fat pedals can be switched in and out by tap-dancing, and some folk play this way. For my part, the subtleties of different 'shades of grey' escape my duff ears, and I have only once, in many decades, accidentally obtained a such an effect (twin germanium Big Muff; goodness know what settings...) for a rare 'rock'-type recording I made. Some folk collect stamps, and will drool over a rare, virgin, 10p with duff printing, or a collection of Easter Island Special Issues. Others like to collect Fx, and will swap around, looking, for, obtaining, then abandoning The Sound as the Next Best Thing becomes the fashion. It was easier 'back in the day'; one cut slits in one's speaker cones and that was it. Not much going back from that, except for the wealthier musicians able to get new cabs from their record deal advance. In short, all that counts is being able to get the sound one wants with what one has, or finding something that will get 'that sound'. I'm easily pleased; it's healthier for my bank balance, too.
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