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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/02/25 in Posts

  1. You might get more response to this over on Basschat as this is more guitar focused. There are plenty of members who cross over so might be more experienced. I haven't used active pickups so don't really know.
    1 point
  2. My rig Epi Les Paul 2024 Standard Marshall Origin 20H Marshall OR 212 cab Pedals in front Tuner- Boss SD-1 - MXR Carbon Copy Amp set on edge of breakup with drive pedal for crunch sounds
    1 point
  3. I've been picking up pedals here and there since I started playing back in the 90s. Never sold a pedal. Still have my early run Sovtek EH Big Muff Pi, in mint condition, in the original wooden box - last I looked those are selling for a surprising amount. I'll probably not use it again, but I'm wary of the idea of parting with it in case I regret it. Probably the only thing I've ever bought, guitar wise, that's now worth more than I paid, even allowing for inflation! I also have a DOD Phasor [sic] and a Crybaby - likely never use those again, but.... I suppose pedals - especially cheap used ones - are a cheaper habit than always chasing a new amp or guitar. And easier to store! These days, the effects I want to use are a decent overdrive (classic OD, not "distortion"), a clean boost, tremolo, echo, and a reverb for the option if there's none in the amp. After a long time of looking, I've decided to build my own boards - one for effects that can be used with any amp, then a separate one for an "amp" board - reverb, Joyo American Sound, Mooer Baby Bomb - that can be plugged into a speaker or, if ever needed, a PA. Thinking of also putting a headphone amp pedal on there so I can either manually switch between a headphone amp and the Mooer power amp pedal, or *maybe* adding an A/B box so they can all stay hooked up and I can flip between that way. Don't know if that approach might be worth looking at when grouping your pedals? Separate boards for bass and guitar, of course. (I'm not a bass effects guy; I do have a Boss BF3, though, which can be used for either bass of guitar if ever I fancy).
    1 point
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