I've been picking up pedals here and there since I started playing back in the 90s. Never sold a pedal. Still have my early run Sovtek EH Big Muff Pi, in mint condition, in the original wooden box - last I looked those are selling for a surprising amount. I'll probably not use it again, but I'm wary of the idea of parting with it in case I regret it. Probably the only thing I've ever bought, guitar wise, that's now worth more than I paid, even allowing for inflation! I also have a DOD Phasor [sic] and a Crybaby - likely never use those again, but.... I suppose pedals - especially cheap used ones - are a cheaper habit than always chasing a new amp or guitar. And easier to store!
These days, the effects I want to use are a decent overdrive (classic OD, not "distortion"), a clean boost, tremolo, echo, and a reverb for the option if there's none in the amp. After a long time of looking, I've decided to build my own boards - one for effects that can be used with any amp, then a separate one for an "amp" board - reverb, Joyo American Sound, Mooer Baby Bomb - that can be plugged into a speaker or, if ever needed, a PA. Thinking of also putting a headphone amp pedal on there so I can either manually switch between a headphone amp and the Mooer power amp pedal, or *maybe* adding an A/B box so they can all stay hooked up and I can flip between that way. Don't know if that approach might be worth looking at when grouping your pedals? Separate boards for bass and guitar, of course. (I'm not a bass effects guy; I do have a Boss BF3, though, which can be used for either bass of guitar if ever I fancy).