I’d go with the Tonemaster. In various head to heads with its valve equivalent, tested by valve lovers, it has fared very well. Does it sound exactly the same? No, but then neither do 2 Deluxe Reverbs from different eras. The TMs sound really, really good (the guitarist in the band band where I play bass has one), they’re light, reliable (valve amps can be cranky when carted around and shoved in and out of cars/vans/etc) and have the attenuator built in, something extra you’d have to buy with a valve amp. I’ve owned great sounding and very average sounding valve amps, I’ve also owned solid state ones that other players thought were valve (take a bow Tech21). I currently own a hybrid Fender, which is becoming cranky, because of one of the valves. If I were buying now, I’d look at the TMs, a Roland Blues Cube (if I could find one), or a Jazz Chorus. YMMV.