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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/24 in Posts

  1. Not sure if it helps, but I had a MIJ Jazzmaster from the early '90s until a few years ago, and absolutely loved it - it was a total dream guitar for me - so basically I'm a fan. However, I recently bought a Mexican Player Jaguar- one of the '2014 Fender Classic 60’s Road Worn Jaguar' ones with the nitro finish, and to be honest it was streets ahead. Key things for me about the MIJ are: 1. The finish is poly, compared to the nitro of the MIM (which matters to some, although I think most of the MIM ones are poly too) 2. The Electrics and pickups aren't great on the MIJ. I upgraded these to both from Mojo Pickups ages ago, and it was like taking a blanket off the amp. The Japanese pickups didn't really sound like a Jazzmaster at all - more of a Strat sound. The Mexican one has the American pickups and electronics, and these sounded great. 3. The Tremolo on the MIJ is a lot thinner/lighter metal. I put an AVRI one on it and it improved the feel and tone no end. I'm not sure the MIM is USA specification, but it certainly feels more solid in use and I never felt the need to upgrade it/ 4. The MIJ scratchplate is a different size to the USA, MIM or Squier ones, so if you choose to replace it, is a bit of a PITA. Not sure if that is the same with the Jaguars, but worth checking. 5. The MIJ was basswood and the MIM alder. I couldn't say I could tell a difference in terms of tone, but the MIM was about two lbs lighter. I realise I'm comparing a Jazzmaster to a Jaguar, but - hopefully it helps. Certainly I'd factor in some upgrades on the MIJ that I wouldn't bother with on the MIM.
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