Well that all worked out exactly as planned.
Oh hang on.
No it didn’t.
I went to the shop yesterday, fully intending to buy an Ibanez AR520.
I tried it and very nice it was too.
Problem was, the “hollow” bit doesn’t really make a massive amount of difference other than making it lighter.
So, I looked at the AS range which then got me looking at Eastman semi-hollows which then got me thinking that I might as well look at Epiphone ESes which then brought a nice Les Paul into my eyeline and I remembered that one of my favourite guitars was a Les Paul Studio that I traded about ten years ago and always regretted it and I’ve had other LPs since but none of them were as good as that Studio and why would that be? And I worked out that, compared to other LPs, I liked the pickups and the shorter-than-fender scale length and the chambered body and the lack of binding and what I hated about the Traditional that I’d had was the pig-iron weight of the thing and the fussiness of the binding and the robot tuner nonsense and the thick gloss finish….. so I forgot all about the semi-hollow thing and started looking at Studios but they don’t do the plain dark wood one any more but then I spotted this….
Satin finish, no binding, medium output pickups, light weight and - to my eyes, a very nice honeyburst colour.
Basically my old Les Paul Studio but in a lighter colour.
Sadly, by this time I’d moved along the row, away from the Epiphones and the headstocks had changed;
There among the dozens of mega-bucks Les Pauls was this. The Tribute. And it is, to me, the perfect Les Paul. Build quality is really, really good, the weight is ideal, it’s aesthetically pleasing, it plays beautifully and it sounds awesome.
And at just under a grand, not the silly money that Gibson usually ask for.
Gas has now shifted to amps….